On the internet, your opinions are not only valued, you also get paid for them. Paid online surveys are conducted by different market research companies that seek input for their product or service by enlisting representatives of their target markets.
Payments range from cash to sweepstakes entries while others can give you new products to try or points to redeem for prizes.
Don´t worry about having to review or reacquainting yourself with geometry or chemistry if it is not your forte. Signing up for a site that pays for online surveys will only send you ones that match your profile.
Be careful, however, as scams have tried to pretend as legal ones. Start doubting if the application form would require you to fill up your credit card information or will require you to give a membership fee as legitimate online survey sites would only need you to confirm your email address.
Join as many as you can to increase your income but make sure to check the legality of the site first. User reviews and scam forums will tell you if you are likely to be compensated for your time and effort or will just leave you hanging.